Divya Didi did not know that I could be Shahrukh. Else she would not have given me a bit part in the cousins’ performance that summer night. She did not know but I was going to make sure she learned her lesson.
‘I think best to skip school today,’ I summoned all the earnestness I could. ‘What are you talking about,’ Mother was not happy. I think I played my hand too soon.
Green. Green. Blue. Red. Red. The sky, cloudless. Green. Purple. Yellow. Orange. Red. Sunday morning. School is tomorrow. So much today to go. Red. Green. Yellow. Red. Peace. Temporarily. Green on Red. Above the Post Office. Aggressive red. Recalcitrant green. A bet. I pick the green. Guddu thinks red. Our orange minding its own business. Good reason to pick the red. It has the moves. Drops altitude. Dances. Gains altitude. Belligerent. The green seems preoccupied. Almost unmoving. Uncompromising, perhaps. The red rises. Comes down at an angle. Guddu is excited. Very excited. The green drops down a bit. In free-fall?...